emotion potion after care

Whoever you are and whatever you’re looking for, you’ll find your place at Jaya!

“ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida. “

Thank You


Welcome to Jaya’s latest online workout videos! Never miss a moment of your online yoga program with this collection of our newest videos. Each week, we add three new videos.

  • Hatha
  • Iyengar
  • Vinyasa
  • Yin
Hatha Yoga

Ultimate Core Workout

Ultimate core workout. This intermediate level workout will challenge your core “to the max”, with an added focus on flow and complex cues.

Instructor: Your Name Here

20 min

Hatha Yoga

Bodiphy Sculpt

This will be a challenging full-body workout using Mini Bars by Body Bar. They made 2lb bars for the video and will make 2 lb bars customer order for consumers. I will recommend 2lbs for beginners and 4lbs for those who are intermediate to advanced. Body Bar will give a discount through the end of the year.

Instructor: Your Name Here

40 min

Hatha Yoga

Beginner Mat Workout

This class uses the classical Pilates mat exercises for a fun, challenging, and effective workout. You’ll sculpt a strong, long, and lean body. This class is great for all levels, with modifications for beginners or any injuries, and an intense and fast pace for those with more experience.

Instructor: Your Name Here

60 min

As featured in

Ashley Burns, 35 years

“ Working with X was one of the best decisions of my life. I bought their [name of program] and experienced [Y Results]. I don’t just look good, I feel great – like I have a new lease on life! ”

Maya Stem, 20 years

" Before I started practicing yoga, I was always stressed out and felt disconnected from my body. I decided to try yoga as a way to relieve stress and take better care of myself. It turned out to be one of the best decisions I've ever made. After just a few classes, I started to feel more relaxed and centered. "

Alexandra Smith, 28 years

" Loved the sense of community that came with practicing yoga, and the supportive and welcoming environment that my yoga studio provided. "

Get a Jaya membership now, and join a clean and spacious club. JOIN US TODAY!


What's in the program

Module 1

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Module 2

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Module 3

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Module 4

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About Author Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


Knows how to push me and got the best result, my whole body has changed. Now I'm suggesting my colleagues and friends to enroll into it for a fit life and balanced mind.

Leann Rimes


by Author Name

Finding Balance: A Workshop on Yoga and Mindfulness


8th July - 10th August

* Limited places Available

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